Businomics Newsletter, September 2021: Economic Forecast for Growth
What’s New, September 2021
Starting to travel again, which feels nice. I’ve been to Park City, Eugene and Orlando recently, and I’d love to visit your city for a presentation to a corporate board or trade association.
Audio version of The Flexible Stance: There was not enough interest to justify the project. Thanks to those of you who replied.
My Articles on Forbes.com
Employment Looking Better But Labor Market Will Remain Tight
Social Responsibility Of Business: The Limits On Corporations’ Good Intentions
The Fall of Afghanistan and U.S. Foreign Trade
Yes Men Dangerous In Business As Well As Biden’s Afghanistan Policy
Preserving Business Reputation With Supply Shortages
Download PDFs: Northwest Version (includes U.S.) or U.S. only
Helping business leaders make better decisions through a better understanding of the economy.
Bill Conerly