Businomics Newsletter, September 2018: Another Solid Month
What’s New, September 2018
International AND Local: I’ve spoken in four countries (soon to be five) and 31 states, but I love to work locally. Call me when your board or executive team needs a briefing, or you want to build relationships with customers, prospects and referral sources.
Structured Plans: Some of the advice I give in speeches and general articles may sound “off the cuff,” but behind the advice is usually a detailed program that I can help you evaluate (not all parts work for every business) and implement. Let’s chat.
The Flexible Stance review: “… compelling information and insights about the interrelation between business, economics, the environment, the government and technology.”
Selected Articles from Forbes.com
How Bad A Recession Should You Use In Contingency Planning?
Consumer Surveys Show Mixed Results, Which Is Actually Good
The Downside Of Hierarchy – – In Business And The Church
Open Offices Still A Mistake For Employee Productivity, Collaboration
Download PDFs: Northwest Version (includes U.S.) or U.S. only
Helping business leaders make better decisions through a better understanding of the economy.
Bill Conerly
Conerly Consulting