Businomics Newsletter, October 2019: Econ Stats Better Than News
What’s New, October 2019
Your Trade Association can hear me present the economic outlook. A loyal reader just gave a dynamite recommendation for me to speak to his trade association’s national convention. You can too. Either contact them directly, or email me a sentence or two of why you’d like to have me speak, and I’ll contact the association and mention your name.
The Flexible Stance review: “If I were to summarize the book, it would be by saying that just because you can’t predict changes in the economy doesn’t mean you can’t plan for them and be ready when they occur.”
My Articles from Forbes.com
Uber And Lyft With Employee-Drivers: Survive But Maybe Not Thrive
Global Economy Forecast: Not As Bad For The U.S. As Headlines Imply
Anti-Trump Bias In Economic Forecast
Corporate Responsibility Evaded By Serving Multiple Stakeholders
Download PDFs: Northwest Version (includes U.S.) or U.S. only
Helping business leaders make better decisions through a better understanding of the economy.
Bill Conerly